Blame – A love language

I’ve always wanted to learn about love languages,
But I was never taught blame is one of them.
Turns out it’s okay for people to make you feel guilty about who you are, all in the name of love.
All because they want to be part of your life. They can speak words that keep you up at night,
Doubting everything you thought you knew about yourself.
They’ve missed you.
They haven’t heard from you in a while.
It’s all coming from a good place,
They obviously mean no harm.
It’s just that their love often makes them forget,
You’re a human being, too.
You have your days, and sometimes even your months.
You’re constantly fighting off things you might not be able to speak of.
But they’ll never forgive what they don’t know.
And if they don’t see your struggles so clearly, it has to mean they don’t exist.
It hurts to be so terribly misunderstood.
And while you speak different love languages yourself,
I wish blame never ends up being one you’re fluent in.