Beyond the hook

This isn’t the first time I experience something like this, and yet every time it happens, it feels exactly like the very first one.

So I had to be somewhere this morning, and right before leaving, I realized I couldn’t find my mask extension hook (hashtag Hijabi struggles) and I was in a hurry. I looked everywhere, in all the places I could have possibly placed it. I started praying, while mentally blaming myself for never putting things back to where they‘re supposed be. And I still couldn’t find it. So I started looking in other random spots, when I came across something else I didn’t realize I had even lost and that I actually needed to have with me today. And only a couple of minutes after, I ended up finding my hook. In a place I had already searched before yet hadn’t come across it earlier. And it hit me.

It hit me that while I was so focused on finding the hook, and while I was already shortly meant to reunite with it just a few minutes later, I was in fact being directed towards something else I didn’t even know I needed. Something I would have never even tried looking for, had it not been for that forced search. Because I never realized I had lost it, and I didn’t know I precisely had to have it with me where I needed to be today.
I couldn’t stop thinking about this all day. About how every thing I’ve possibly ever wished for, is actually something that I’m meant to eventually reach towards the end of my journey. Yet I can’t really get there before I come across every other thing I never wished for, but do in fact need. In order to reach my destination.

The road always eventually reaches an end, and yet the things we come across on the way to that end, are often all we ever really need. And yet we hardly ever recognize it at the time. Instead, we blame ourselves for screwing up on things that we shortly end up feeling grateful they never worked out the way we initially wanted them to, because really, He knows best and He’s the Most Merciful.

Alhamdulillah for the blessing of constantly feeling safe because He takes care of every little detail. Those we pray for, and those we never know we need unless He inspires us to pray for them.

October 27, 2020