Attempt #7


As soon as I was able to get a few seconds to myself in the middle of all the noise, my fingers instantly started typing this. This one thought was taking over my mind; what if that day was meant to be my last?

I don’t think the thought of that would have troubled me as much, had it occurred at a different time. It’s just that, only a few hours before it all happened, I was thinking about all the dreams I have and all the things I still want to do with my life. And for a second there, it felt like maybe I do have a little something to offer the world before I go.

I don’t want to change the world, I’m way past this phase. I just feel like I’ve been blessed with things that, if I could somehow put to use in the right way, could possibly help me touch a few lives. The way some people continue touching mine through what they‘re given, too. Maybe that day didn’t end up being my last, for this reason. Because maybe, there’s still something I need to do before I go.

If anything, this accident was my very own wake up call. To remind me why I’m here. To remind me to stop holding onto my comfort zones, and actually do something about the things I want to see happen. To remind me to stop giving so much energy and time to things that truly don’t matter. To remind me to prioritize. To remind me that this is all temporary, that we’re not meant to be here forever, that this is merely a stop along the road.

Or maybe not.

Maybe this was completely random.

Maybe this happened for no reason at all.

Maybe I shouldn’t be trying to make sense out of it.

But the thing is, I don’t believe in randomness.

I believe in signs.

I believe in gut feelings.

I believe that even this, might be leading me somewhere I would‘ve otherwise never reached on my own.

Even if it doesn’t make sense now.

Even if it’s still not meant to make sense ten years from now.

I just know. It wasn’t random.

It so wasn’t.