Attempt #5


The most blood-boiling part of the crash is, the guy behind it all. The first thing I saw of his face was a smile, a wide one. It kinda looked like it was his every day thing; crashing into random people on the street and ruining their lives.

Until this very moment, I can’t grasp that the first thing he did wasn’t to make sure we’re okay and apologize. Not the first, not the second, not even the last. He had the audacity to continue standing there with the most annoying “guys, it’s just an accident, chill” attitude that I still have the urge to go back and punch him so hard in the face for.

Because it’s not *just* an accident. None of what you see on the road is ever *just* that. No one has any idea what goes on in people’s lives and minds. No one can assume that the effect it might have on them should be the same for everyone else. So, what is *just* an accident to you, might very well be someone’s worst nightmare.

It could have possibly been out of guilt; that’s what I’ve been trying to convince myself of. He felt too guilty, he couldn’t admit he made a mistake. It’s just hard to believe someone can respond to all that rage, with: I got a call, what could I’ve done? 🤷🏻‍♂️

You could have said sorry, you know? You could have shown some empathy. You could have not smiled back at the face of someone in tears. You could have done so many things, but you chose to be this cold and heartless. You chose to hide your human side, and it made everything a lot worse.

If you ever happen to accidentally crash into someone on the road, please say sorry. Please teach your kids to say sorry and to own up to their mistakes, too. Before you give them money, before you shower them with expensive gifts. Before you even teach them to go after their own rights, explain why it’s important to never sleep at night knowing you’ve taken away someone’s right, even if it’s just a simple word. They will still deserve to hear it. They will eventually be okay even if you don’t say it, but life is very fair. God is fair, too. He would know about their pain, and might one day make you feel it, too. In the most unexpected ways. Because He is fair. Always.