Attempt #11


I don’t think I would‘ve survived so much of what’s happening without the people I‘m blessed to be surrounded with.

Those who somehow manage to know just the right amount of support to offer, while I myself still don’t know what is it that I need. Those who’re always around to listen, and yet know when to give me my space. Those who help push me back on my feet, and yet constantly remind me to take my time to heal. Those who’re already going through so much in their own worlds, and yet remember to text me every once in a while to make sure I’m doing okay. Those who know the right questions to ask, and bring out answers I never even knew I’d find inside. Those who’re making me realize, my life does matter to someone after all.

The actual manifestation of: with every hardship comes ease. They truly are what’s been putting my heart at peace.

And they make up for the existence of so many other insensitive beings. Like a guy who called me one day after the accident, to ask about the status of a presentation I was responsible for at work. Then got so angry when I couldn’t make it to work the following day. Incidents like those really make me pause and think, how very messed up some people’s priorities can be. How the pressure of meeting a deadline at work, can make someone sound so inhumane.

It’s crazy, and yet it makes me appreciate kindness a thousand times more. Because I’ve realized it doesn’t come naturally to most people. Yet there will always be those who’ll continue to choose it. And it does feel safe knowing the world still has more of those.