Accepting Compliments

I don’t think anyone truly realizes how powerful it is to accept compliments.

To allow the good feedback to sink in, without automatically following it with a mental note on how that’ll soon change when others get closer, and see clearer.

Without questioning if you deserve this love you’ve been gifted, before you could do anything in return to ‘earn’ it.

And without quickly bringing yourself down, because what if your ego takes over?

It’s so powerful to consciously decide not to take the easy route of self-loathing and doubt. It’s easier and more comfortable for the mind to spot the flaws, magnify them and dwell on all that you still need to work on.

While it’s much, much harder (yet absolutely worth every bit of effort!) to pause for a second, calm the voices inside, hug them tight, and let them know they no longer need to protect you.

You don’t need to be utterly perfect before you’re appreciated. And while there’s always room for improvement, it never means you can’t be a work-in-progress.

A beautiful work-in-progress that is allowed to keep growing, evolving, and eventually flourishing, with genuine acceptance and admiration.

So, next time you find yourself brushing off a nice comment, please remember you are powerful enough to allow it into that soft spot inside your heart – the spot that has been longing to hear it.

You’re a lot more powerful than you know, and you’re allowed to believe it.