About Me

Basma Zaki is a Creative Writer, Content Creator, and the first Certified Journal to the Self® instructor in the Arab World – from the Center for Journal Therapy. She studies Journal Facilitation at The Therapeutic Writing Institute in Denver, Colorado, and runs several Workshops and Writing Circles to help individuals navigate their way through life – using simple Journal Techniques for personal growth, creative expression and life enrichment.

Besides being certified, Basma has always been a Journal Writer herself. She's been committed to daily writing – including Morning Pages, for almost 3 years now, which is immensely impacting her healing journey and is an integral part of her ability to follow her passion.

An Excerpt from the Journey ☺️

"Among the many things I hadn’t yet learned, was that I had no idea what my own voice even sounded like, because of how much I scared myself every time I tried using it.

And so, the pages of my journal, allowed me to hear that voice. They did not give me one – I already had it. They just gave me the space to explore its different aspects. They made me fall in love with pieces of myself I never recognized earlier. They led me to the one thing I was missing all along; listening to my own self. And allowing her to express who she really is.

I realized then that I have ideas worth sharing. I have feelings, creative potentials, and ambitions worth exploring. Building this connection with myself on paper reflected greatly on my outside world. It led to so many beautiful things, including my Journaling Certificate!"

Along her journey, Basma first decided to make use of her personal experience and offer guidance to others who wanted to start journaling too. She organized 30+ Online Writing Challenges throughout 2020 with over 100+ participants who started integrating writing in their own lives as well. The results were her inspiration to take this forward more professionally and study all there is about journaling, so she could help more people. That's when she came across the Therapeutic Writing Institute in 2021, and has been a student ever since.

So far, she has delivered 8 JTTS Workshops, facilitated 5 Writing Circles and 20+ Journaling Sessions – individually and in collaboration with other organizations like PwC Dubai, Muslim Chaplaincy – University of Toronto, and more!

Fun Facts

Basma literally means “a smile” in Arabic. ☺️

Studied for & received 2 degrees from 2 universities at the same time. (Bachelors of Accounting, alongside a creative writing minor from AUC in February 2017 + Bachelors of Law from Ain Shams University in June 2016) P.S. Say MashaAllah! 😀

Type Two (The Helper) on the Enneagram, and an ISFJ on Myers-Briggs. Top three strengths are: GratitudeAppreciation of Beauty & Excellence, and Spirituality – according to VIA Institute On Character. Top love languages are Quality Time & Gifts.

Totally obsessed with documenting life through pictures and videos, besides writing.