A terrible dream

I fell asleep on my couch today and had a terrible, terrible dream of someone pointing a gun at me, trying to take my life. I woke up with a terrified heart, and a troubled mind that’s still unable to grasp how this is someone else’s reality. How they can’t just shake it off once they’re up. It’s a constant nightmare they get to experience with their eyes wide open. It’s an ongoing horror movie they can’t flip through the channels to protect their children from watching. Because it’s not just their lives they’re being robbed of, it’s their entire history, their existence, their memories and their ancestors’.

I woke up to find myself surrounded by four walls that no one’s threatening to unlawfully bring down, while the whole world watches in silence, and… it’s the heaviest helplessness I’ve possibly ever witnessed. Only that I know God’s watching, and I’m certain He’s never letting anyone get away with their injustice.