A quarantine dream

Here’s a completely aimless post from my quarantined subconscious mind. Of a weird dream I had last night and felt a random urge to document.

Here’s how it went: I‘d been debating whether to leave the house or not during our 24-hour lockdown, when I heard a loud noise outside. Turned out it had been raining for a while. Water levels had risen so much; reached the 6th floor while I was on the 8th. Went to pray and came back to find out the sun had dried it all out in less than 5 mins. Decided to go somewhere I thought was urgent and came across someone there I thought was my friend from work. Smiled and waved too much at her, she freaked out and dropped everything. Turned out she was someone I’d never met. Face turned red. Two minutes after, thought I saw my best friend from back home who never told me she was visiting. Thought my mind was playing tricks again, so I left. She came out after me, apologizing for not mentioning she was here, because it all happened too fast? Decided to catch the bus back home, when I bumped into one of my Qur’an teachers from when I was young, with her two sons, whom she doesn’t even have in real life. Got off the bus and realized I hadn’t paid for the ride, made me feel guilty the rest of the night. Went crazy over how everyone seemed to be out during lockdown, even those who weren’t supposed to be in the country, while I‘d been stuck at home not knowing any of it. Felt cheated on so I decided to visit AUC campus – no idea how I got teleported. Met friends from years back and people who weren’t supposed to be there. Took pictures as if no Corona ever was. Went home to find my sister had just arrived from the airport? Felt more deceived, and decided to go get groceries. Grabbed what I needed, when Mohamed Salah walked into the store. Someone started dumping juice over at him through a straw. He got super angry, it woke me up. And brought me back to a world where Corona still exists. Scaring everyone in. All scattered around the world while I can’t be with them. And Salah probably back home, where no random dude can so unexplainably start juice-showering him.

I wonder if this means anything beyond me having felt a little cold through the night. 😅

April 13, 2020