اللهم ارزقني حبك

I so much love this duaa.

Asking God to allow me to love Him. To have His love fill my insides, so I can really worship Him. Out of love. Never out of fear, or obligation. Just love. So much of it. For and towards Him.

Because only His love can fill my heart with so much warmth, and bring along endless ease. On days when I wake up feeling connected to Him, I’m inspired. To create. To connect. To fill the world with smiles. To spread around all the love I cannot contain inside me.

On days when shaytan isn’t able to get through the shield He allows around me, I get to see Him so clearly. I look at the sky and He’s there. In the gentle movement of clouds. In the beautiful blend of blues. In the way I feel so light just fixing my gaze up there. I see Him in every person He sends my way, without me even asking. Without realizing how much I needed them, or how much I had missed falling back into their arms after a long unexpected absence. He’s always there, strengthening my bond with those who constantly remind me of Him. Those I have so much love for, for the sake of Him. And when I remember to pray for them, I imagine us meeting in Jannah one day. Right after He grants us the blessing of His shade on the day of judgment.

I love that He knows His love can do wonders. And so He continues inspiring a duaa like that on my tongue every time I seem to have lost it.

Oh Allah, grant me the rizq of Your love, and never let go of me. Oh Allah, I love You.