Reminders to pray

I find it extremely heartwarming to hang around people who remind me to pray. Those I never have to worry for even a second around, that I might end up missing a prayer. Or that I might be tempted to do something that would take my mind off that. Not because they tell me to do anything, but rather because the way they carry themselves simply reminds me of God in every possible sense. And the way we plan our get-togethers somehow revolves around Him. Let’s leave after Maghrib, they’d say. Let’s meet up for Taraweeh, they’d suggest. Let’s pray Isha before we go, so we don’t have to separately fight against our demons when we each get home.

I once heard someone explain how very unfortunate it is for people to gather then part, without remembering to thank God. And that thanking God, in the context of similar settings, is about simply mentioning Him. His name. His words. His blessings. Through daily conversations. Especially ones that might not ‘normally’ involve Him. And I’ve been struggling with keeping track of that, yet being around this kind of people makes it so effortless. Because they don’t just remind me of Him; they even go beyond that and unintentionally help me strengthen the bond I share with Him, by being the beautiful humans they so simply are. Blessings.