20 Minutes

Day 1 (Oct 3): Are you done with your 20 mins?
6 confirmations

"I was trying to find something to write about. I think I was disconnected from myself today. Today it was more like a duty and I think I miss the prompt questions 🙂" - Aww I'm sorry you feel this way. Maybe I can add some prompts to this challenge too! <3

"At first I was a bit skeptical. I didn’t think I’d be able to write for 20 minutes. But, surprisingly, they flew by and I had a lot to say to my journal 📓" - Yay! So happy to know :)))

"I enjoyed it although it was a bit challenging to complete the 20 mins but hopefully will eventually get used to it." - It's okay, it's still the beginning. :')

Day 2 (Oct 4): Are you done with your 20 mins?
8 confirmations

"Yes, the content itself."

"The content. I was just asking myself why did I have a lot to say when I was limited to 10 min. and most of the time I would write for more than 10 min. But now that I have 20 min, it seems like I can't find the words."

"yes it was hard for me to write 20 mins, i just wrote 10 mins ..the hardest part that i didn't find sth to write about it, i wrote what happened during my day and i stopped."

"Yes, but only because today I did it right before bedtime."

Day 3 (Oct 5): Are you done with your 20 mins?
7 confirmations

"Today I kept postponing it because I still felt that the 20 minutes are too long. I wrote at night but surprisingly I had so much to say that I went over the 20 minutes. I'll try to remind myself of that tomorrow: to not overthink it and just do it. Honestly, that's something I need to apply in so many things." - Love this! (:

"I write at the end of the day, I find it a good you to reflect on all the events that happened" - Nice approach! 🙂

Day 4 (Oct 6): Are you done with your 20 mins?
6 confirmations

"It's a little bit easier. Today I wrote for 16 min. 🙂 Today I had this idea. Maybe it's like when we practicing some sports for 10 min. and when it gets easier we extend the time of practicing to get more fit and stronger." - I love that analogy! I'm glad it's getting easier for you :))

"So.. I realized I stopped writing. Last month i would write constantly everyday, of the same issue again and again. Now the issue has been resolved alhamdilla and I can’t seem to be motivated to write anymore. Idk :/ like im not in any hardship at the moment alhamdilla. I tend to only write during hardships :(" - I'm so glad to know it's been resolved alhamdulillah! It's okay, give yourself time :')

"I think its getting easier." - YAY!

Day 5 (Oct 7): Are you done with your 20 mins?
8 confirmations

"I think when I sit and get ready to write, a tiny feeling starts to fill me. It's a good feeling. I think it's when a connection happens between me and myself."

"One of my favorite feelings is talking to people who understand me, who see right through me and choose to love me despite my flaws. Writing is just like that, but from me to me. It allows me to slowly open up and reveal all that is beautiful and all that is ugly. It makes me feel powerful just to acknowledge who I am and slowly accept her. It reminds me not to give up on her.... and when I share what I write, just the idea that one person out there could feel more powerful and encouraged by my picking myself up with words- it literally means everything."

"The blessing and comfort of having a safe space to run to whenever I'm overwhelmed. A place I can be fully myself, and sometimes it's where I actually get to know who I am. I also love how I always feel so relieved and at peace after writing."

- This is absolutely beauuuutiful! 🙂 Brought smiles to my face!

Day 6 (Oct 8): Are you done with your 20 mins?
7 confirmations

Day 7 (Oct 9): Are you done with your 20 mins?
5 confirmations