10 before 12

Day 1 (Sep 19): Are you done with your 10 mins?
13 confirmations

"I wrote for a little less than 10 minutes but I’m proud of myself that I got to do it before 12:00 pm. I’ve been slacking on my writing lately but I’m glad that I wrote today." - I'm so proud of you, too. Really. 🙂

"I used it the same way Buffy the vampire slayer was using her time; Demon hunting! Though these demons were all internal so wooden sticks and holy water would be useless here (so much for all the hype in American Media...)"  - 🤣🤣

"This is helping me discover a lot about my relationships." - I'm glad! (:

Day 2 (Sep 20): Are you done with your 10 mins?
12 confirmations

"The hardest part is to wake up a little bit early so I could have a relaxed time to sit and write before heading to work. I'll try tomorrow again." - Yes, yes, yes! Keep trying. 💪🏻

"I usually want to get other things done in the morning, so it’s harder to kind of squeeze it in before 12:00 pm. But, I try to wake up a little earlier to do my morning tasks so that I have some time to write before 12. I hope I continue doing that." - Takes so much self discipline, I hope you continue doing that, too!

"I had a very busy day so unfortunately I wrote at night again. I really hope I can manage to do it before 12 tomorrow." - It's okay. ❤️

"Not hard really! Specially when it's a good way to delay starting your day in the office (9 out of 10 corporate slaves will relate)" - HAHA, I felt that!

"The fear of not feeling better. Morning pages have become akin to self-therapy; when I am troubled I tell myself I only have to wait till morning time when my thoughts are quieter and ready for scrutiny... but there is always a lingering “what if I write and I still feel awful? What if it only makes me spiral into horrible overthinking?” But, of course, there are no answers to those. More often than not writing calms my inner chaos whether that takes a single page or 5. So I guess it’s all about trusting the process and not giving up." - I can relate a lot to those thoughts and yet I absolutely love that last line. Says it all!

Day 3 (Sep 21): Are you done with your 10 mins?
10 confirmations

"Actually in the middle of the day seem easier because in the morning my mind is more of a blank page. However by middle of the day i already have a lot going on in my mind (mostly about how many colleagues i want to shoot down or what's the safest way to rob a bank and never work again)" - HAHA maybe you can make use of the morning hours to effectively plan for that by midday. 😂

"Yes, what I write usually differs depending on when I’m writing. In the morning, I’m usually more focused than any other time, since I haven’t done really anything yet." - I can relate to that, too!

"I don't think the time makes any difference to me. What matters more is finding the time. But in general, I like doing (my own time) things early in the morning and before bedtime." - Glad you're doing what works best for you! 🙂

"Finally wrote before 12 Alhamdulilah. When I write in the morning I usually have more energy and time to reflect and see where my thoughts take me. When I write at night it's more about how my day went which I still enjoy. But I think writing in the morning would have more of the benefits I read about." - Sooo glad you did it! 👏🏻

Day 4 (Sep 22): Are you done with your 10 mins?
8 confirmations

"No set routine yet. There used to be an excellent one that started from 4:30 AM but i lost it along the way in the past month. Now i have to restart again (sigh..) Mostly now it consists of me waking up and writing my 10 mins then running to answer the gazillion mails i received while sleeping (when do these guys sleep seriously?..)" - I always had the same question lol. Also, "restarting" is usually the hardest part, yet I hope you'd be able to make it back again inshaAllah!

"Getting up for work. Rushing because I’m not a morning person lol. When I reach work I answer all my msgs on whatsapp and instagram. Then I write my morning page. Then I start doing something productive. On the weekends I don’t have a morning routine since I start in the afternoon bahahahaha. PS: I’ve never went out for breakfast with friends. And that’s because of me not being a morning person. I would kill somebody if they told me “let’s go out for breakfast on the weekend” loool. I love sleep way too much." - Interesting! Do you feel like your morning pages are influenced by any of the messages you read? Or not so much?

"The alarm rings at 6:30. Fr9m 6:30 till like 7:00 I try to encourage myself to get up and get ready to work and not quit 😅. I've set a reward for myself.. if I'm ready on time, I can have a nice breakfast. Now I've added an extra bonus, Breakfast+ journaling." - Oooh, love this! Breakfast and journaling as a reward. 👌🏻👌🏻

"I usually wake up between 8:30 and 9:30 am. I want to be able to wake up earlier than that but I’m too lazy to do it. Sometimes, my sister and I go on a short morning walk, but we’re still not consistent with that new habit. I usually do my early ebadat; pray and read Athkar, before I do anything else. Then, I write and lastly, it’s breakfast time:))" - Love this, thanks for sharing!! 🙂

Day 5 (Sep 23): Are you done with your 10 mins?
10 confirmations

"I used it one day but normally there is a lot on my mind going on that I dont really need help. I prefer to keep them as plan B when my brain is sleeping."

"Sometimes I use the prompts except if there's a certain issue I need to think/discuss it with me on papers. But the prompts questions are usually more interesting 😅 so I keep your emails on the side with a promise to myself I can get back to them 🌷🌷🌷"

"I most likely follow them because I am curious to explore sides of me beyond the scope of my own thinking.. however if they’re too burdensome (ie dark or something I am already too aware of) then I just prioritize my own thoughts for the day."

"Still haven’t followed any prompt because tooooooo much going on in my head everyday lmaoo. But I’ve saved the prompts! I wonder when will the day come when my mind is empty and I follow the prompts lol. Maybe I should start with the prompts already and write few pages a day. Let’s see 😀 ^_^"

"I prefer prompts; they let me explore parts of my personality that I would have never thought to write about before. It does it in a subtle way without me even realizing and then midway through writing, I’d make the realization."

"I do always follow the prompts , but during this challenge i tried to write for two days freely ,that was my first time but I wrote less than 10 mins ! i prefer to follow the prompts cuz I don’t feel that i have sth to write , but once i read the prompts it help me to start writing without stopping :)"

Day 6 (Sep 24): Are you done with your 10 mins?
7 confirmations

"It reminds me of the good old times when i used to write a lot and share my opinions with people. Nowadays i just can't seem to bother to be honest. My general attitude now is based on the eternal "ربنا يولي من يصلح"- I've experienced this at some point too! Yet I'm glad you're able to get back to it regardless of whether you'll share with people or not. 👌🏻👌🏻

"There's something so comforting about pouring my heart out on a paper. It makes me realize stuff I haven't thought about before and writing about it makes it more real. I also like that I comfortably write more than 10 minutes non-stop. It shows there's a lot going on my mind but it also feels good I'm able to express it.- Soso glad to know this! May you never stop writing. :)))

"Sometimes it's stress relieving and sometimes it's like talking to a friend." - Relatable :')

"It’s like having someone to talk to! And instead of bugging others with the same topic over and over again I can bug this piece of paper that won’t get tired of me and I won’t expect anything from it. And it just feels sooooooooo good alhamdilla! Thank you Basma for making me write! You have no idea how you changed my life! Many prayers coming your way! <3 jazak Allah khair!- This absolutely made my dayyyy! Thank you for being part of this and thank you for every heartwarming reflection you've shared! 😍😍

Day 7 (Sep 25): Are you done with your 10 mins?
5 confirmations