10-for-10 Challenge

Day 1: Are you done with your 10 mins for the day?
15 confirmations

"I feel accomplished. I’ve always wanted to keep a daily journal because I’ve got a lot going on in my head and keeping all of it in there kind of drives me crazy sometimes. So, I hope putting it all down on paper might help me feel a little better."

"It felt slightly heavy to start but I am glad I started somewhere."

"I didn't commit to 10min. I needed to finish what I was writing about. I felt relieved afterwards."

"I really enjoyed it and I feel calmer. Not exactly a reflection, but a question I really wish I could answer objectively: Do I have unrealistically high expectations especially from myself, or do other people generally have low expectations of the things I tend to focus on? Are they just being nice?"

"Not satisfied with the quality or the content itself of my writing but I'm telling myself that it's alright."

"I felt a bit overwhelmed."

Day 2: Are you done with your 10 mins for the day?
14 confirmations

"I’ve learned today a very important lesson and that is to never filter what comes out on paper. I usually filter what I write and maybe that’s why I’ve never really gotten the chance to deal with the negative thoughts inside my head."

"I kept procrastinating, even though I am fascinated with this challenge. I was about to go sleep and just press No. But I fought these unhealthy emotions and I made it Alhamdulilah. I wrote! I wrote and I am so proud that I did."

"I have been finding difficulty diversifying my writing; instead, I am always fixated about a single thought. Through my day, any trigger is also related to that thought. So I decided to dedicate only a few minutes to vent before actively reflecting on blessings occurring in the here and now. But somehow, I always eventually circle back to the start point. It’s got me wondering.. How do you find the liberation to be truly mindful? And adding to the question you got, how do you find liberation from expectations and instead focus on the process?"

Day 3: Are you done with your 10 mins for the day?
12 confirmations

"My first day finally. I put a mental note, that I needed to do it and I did and I’m so happy I finally pushed myself. I feel more connected to myself the days I do write, more connected to my feelings and to my thoughts. :)"

"I cant decide if it is getting harder or easier.. When i write i feel it is very hard and when i finish i feel that i still want to write again and i keep thinking most of the day that tomorrow i will write about a certain thing.. but then i don't write about it and i find myself writing about something else :))) anyway i am enjoying the journey.."

"It is getting easier! I think I’m slowly starting to long for those short 10 minutes that I get to vent out all the negative (and positive) thoughts that build up during the day."

"It’s getting real! I did try to avoid writing today, because I knew I was going to write about things that hurt, I didn’t want to go there, but here I am submitting my reflection. It did hurt, but I focused more on thinking about what I’m going to do, so that I won’t experience this pain again."

"It’s gotten a bit harder. The challenge is always at the back of my mind... I just found myself choking on the words today, nothing was coming out... but a short walk and a good movie did the trick."

Day 4: Are you done with your 10 mins for the day?
9 confirmations

"I’m starting to write about whatever crosses my mind whether it hurts or not. Whatever I feel like writing about, I do it and it’s making me feel a whole lot better. It’s sometimes hard not to fear my emotions (but I’m trying to make them flow ~ raw)."

"I let everything flow through my words. While writing today I understood a certain unease I had earlier, when the words flowed out of me."

"I let out the thoughts as random as they come to me. Today I dedicated the writing to a specific topic. :)"

"I feel safe letting out whatever crosses my mind. I feel a bit overwhelmed because I have a lot of things to do but I'm trying to remind myself that being busy is a blessing."

"Alhamdulilah safe to let out everything. Again i was about to press no but i said let me just write anything even if it’s one word and once i started I couldn’t stop except because i feel so sleepy."

"I feel SAFE writing anything i feel.. and i don't even feel scared if anyone read my diary, that is me and it's ok for me for anyone - living with me - to know what i feel (until now)."

Day 5: Are you done with your 10 mins for the day?
8 confirmations

"Today, my heart was overflowing with different emotions and I knew I didn't want to talk to anyone about it. I felt a sudden urge to write until nothing is left inside me. I did and I am much calmer now. I can now focus on today's tasks and try to be productive."

"Sometimes, I feel like I cannot get any deeper into my mind, but I think I just need to accept what comes out and what my mind permits to reveal! Today’s 10 mins of writing were kind of intense, they left me feeling weird. Yet, I’m so grateful I'm getting into this habit of writing daily."

"Today I had a stronger reason to press no. yet I chose to write anything, and not break this amazing chain of yes days. This is honestly what pushed me. Before I write, I was literally on the website here to press No. As I was heading down to choose the correct day, I read my own reflections that you shared the other day, and I thought “let me write anything, because even anything counts”. Thanks for the reflections section, because if it weren’t for it, today would’ve definitely been a NO for me."

"I was feeling a bit anxious, but writing the negative thoughts made me feel a bit calmer, and made me realize also that I need therapy."

Day 6: Are you done with your 10 mins for the day?
7 confirmations

Day 7: Are you done with your 10 mins for the day?
7 confirmations

"What I really enjoy right now is that I am trying to understand myself more and understand my feelings. I've been going through very hard time but now I sometimes run to my notebook to tell her all my feelings :)"

"I am enjoying this experience soo much. I love having an outlet for the mess inside. It feels like the only 10 mins of peace I get in the day. I am usually the worst at staying consistent in anything but surprisingly so far so good. I love the fact that it's only 10 mins, it makes a huge difference. Also, knowing that we're in this together helps a lot."

"I’m enjoying this! Yet, I feel like there’s more that can be done. I’m not feeling well today, and I’m not sure if writing helped or not! However, it definitely didn’t make me feel worse. I’m just having this feeling that I need to write much more! It’s like I don’t get it all out on paper! I could keep on writing, maybe I need to do this! I’m ready for challenge #2, whatever it is!"

"Sorry i am physically so unwell will share reflections later." - Please pray for her. ❤️

Day 8: Are you done with your 10 mins for the day?
7 confirmations

"Number one reason that keeps me away from writing for the day is that I keep telling myself I need to have a clear mind and just about the right mood to help me pour my heart out. It usually comes when I start writing! Plus I somehow got used to writing by the end of the day, so I just usually wait until there is no much left in the day."

"Being too busy during the day and remembering to do it too late at night when I am already sleepy. It requires a lot of effort to start."

"I was quite unwell, but I guess I could write, yet I somehow forgot. Why do I always write at the end of the day. I wanna start writing in the morning instead once the challenge is over."

"I wrote again after stopping for 6 whole days! I made time for it and watched the video you recommended. Surprisingly, i feel the need to write at the back of my mind during the day and feel like ‘i gotta tell myself about that at the end of the day’ but then i feel overwhelmed with thoughts so i tell myself naah it’s nothing don’t bother. I was very very anxious out of nowhere to an extent that i was about to throw up but i managed to write to calm myself down and it worked out perfectly elhamdolelah. Just felt like sharing a tiny milestone. 😊"

Day 9: Are you done with your 10 mins for the day?
4 confirmations

"I would set a specific time to sit and write no matter what."

"I would; one: set a specific timing everyday to write because not setting a timing makes me delay it. Two: I would write whatever comes to my mind. Also, I would write for a little over 10 minutes."

"I wouldn't change anything. I enjoyed it, I'll just try to learn from my mistakes."

"I will start it in the morning."

Day 10: Are you done with your 10 mins?
4 confirmations