وكذلك يجتبِيك ربك

While originally being said to Prophet Yusuf (AS) as part of a longer verse, I’ve lately been feeling like this sentence is directly speaking to me.

It’s also among the many instances I keep realizing the beauty of the Arabic language, and God’s choice of words. Because there’s more to يجتبيك than just “choosing.” In Arabic, the word “choose” can have 3 possible meanings: "اختيار - اصطفاء - اجتباء”, which might all sound the same, but they’re not. The first (اختيار) can mean something being chosen particularly because of the good it possesses. The second (اصطفاء) is often for a choice that doesn’t need a justification, it’s what someone simply feels like choosing and no one can really question them on it. And yet the third (اجتباء), used in this verse, specifically suggests it has rather been carefully *selected* for a specific purpose that no one could’ve otherwise been able to fulfill. Which is exactly how Yusuf was chosen, because no one could’ve ever done a better job on what he was destined for than him!

And so I’m often left to wonder, is it really just Yusuf who has been “selected”?

I mean, for prophethood, yes sure.

But for other purposes; aren’t we all?

Our existence on this Earth is not random.

God didn’t randomly choose to put you and me here.

At this specific age and time. In this part of the world.

He chose you to be the protagonist of your own life, because no one could’ve done a better job at being you, than you. No one could’ve handled the hardships you go through, the way you do. No one could’ve even survived them but you. No one could’ve fulfilled the purpose of your life better than you. Your sole presence is the purpose. No matter how big or small that might sound to you, the world would’ve never been the same had you not existed and went about your life the exact way you do. He selected you for this, and He still continues to.

So while it might feel hard to be up to that everyday, all you need to remember is:

All that’s asked of you is to continue doing you.

You’ve been doing a brilliant job at it thus far.

It gets hard on most day, it really does.

But you’ve been selected for it.

And you will survive.

I promise, you will.

June 8, 2020