وقولوا للناس حسنا

"And say good things to people."

Everything about this sentence is extremely beautiful.

The fact that on the verse where it’s mentioned, we’re asked to say good things to people *before* we’re asked to pray and give charity.

The fact that the sentence structure makes “حُسنا” (good), both a مفعول به and a حال (an object on which the action’s performed, as well as an adverb) which means we shouldn’t just say good things to people, but also say them beautifully. Quran never fails to blow my mind with how every single word is perfectly chosen, how they always carry multiple meanings depending on how you choose to look at them, and how none of it is ever random.

The fact that it includes “all people” and not just those we think are “nice” or those who’re close. You say good things to everyone – with absolutely no rules, no limitations, nothing.

And the fact that God takes the time to acknowledge the impact of telling people good things to and about them. :’)

I don’t know of anyone who does not like being told something good (in general or specifically about them), no matter where they are in life. And I’ve seen the most genuine smiles break through people’s faces upon hearing anything close to that. It’s always rewarding, to say it then watch people’s reactions, and to receive it just as much. ❤️

So please, please, please try to do more of that every chance you get, the world desperately needs it.