وأنا على عهدك ووعدك ما استطعت

"I'm holding onto Your Covenant and Promise, as much as my strength allows me."

This is part of a longer prayer referred to as سيد الاستغفار (Master Supplication) which is incredibly beautiful. I’ve always admired this sentence in particular; the one sentence where we promise God to follow His Path – to the best of our abilities. It could’ve really just ended right after the promise to uphold His Word but no, that addition had to come next so it could always remind us of our “humanness.” Of how we’ll always have our lows. Some days, all we might be able to do is perhaps just pray. Some others, we might have more capacity to do all the good deeds ever sought. And in all cases, it’s always going to be Him, allowing us the strength to do whatever we’re able to.

I keep thinking about how there’s so much mercy in the fact that there’s no *perfectly* known standard for worshipping God. Even angels, on the day of judgment, will admit they haven’t been worshipping God the way He deserves – and those are already specifically created to worship Him day and night, they don’t sin! Even THEY can never really reach some level of satisfaction on where they stand with their Creator. Which can sound pretty discouraging on the first instant; realizing that no matter what we do, it’ll probably never be enough. But that’s exactly the thing.

Enough, isn’t even a word in the dictionary of our relationship with Him.

More is always desired, but we’re practically rewarded for simply trying. Trying to be better worshipers, better versions of ourselves, without having a certain image of what that should even look like. Without constantly having to realize we’re failing. We’re never failing, as long as we try. As long as we’re doing what we’re able to do. As long as we’re utilizing the capacity He’s blessed us with, to do more. Because this isn’t an exam. We’re not “graded” on what we’re truly unable to achieve. There’s no score to keep track of. We’ll forever keep sinning and He’ll forever keep forgiving. And that’s the beauty of being created by the most Merciful of all.

So here’s a note-to-myself: Never settle for less, but do not start beating yourself up when you can’t do more. You’re trying, and that’s all that matters at the end of every day. ❤️