لا يصيبني إلا ما كتبت لي

One of my ultimate favorite duaas. ❤️

When something terrible happens, we often find ourselves asking why. He eventually answers the question when we realize it could have never worked out any other way. But then something terrible happens again, and we still find ourselves back to asking why. It keeps happening. He keeps showing us why. And there’s always something inside that’s never able to completely let go every time until we understand it all to the very core.

And that’s okay. It’s part of who we are. It’s part of what makes us human. Asking all the questions to try understanding why. Why is this happening to me? Why is He doing this to me? Why does it hurt so bad? Why is it happening now? Why me?

What did I do to deserve this?

The thing is, Allah never waits for us to do something good so He can reward. Likewise, He does not sit there waiting for us to sin so He can instantly “punish.” The terrible things that happen do not automatically mean He’s angry. They don’t mean we‘re terrible people who deserve terrible things. They just don’t.

Why then do they happen?

Sometimes something is just supposed to make us realize we’re not in control, so we could learn to leave it all to Him and relax. Sometimes something beautiful comes out of the pain, that once we realize it, we’d willingly choose that pain ourselves if we had to go through it all over again. Sometimes a certain hardship is meant to bring us closer to Him – just that.

But sometimes we need to sit back and accept that we might never really understand why. We might never find an answer. Not because there isn’t one, but maybe because there’s no point of knowing about it. Maybe knowing about it would do more harm than good. Maybe there’s more beauty in blindly trusting His decisions. Maybe we’re too human to be able to make sense out of those very divine rationales.

It’s okay. He’s taking care of us anyway. He already has a very well thought-out plan for every single one of us, no matter how much our minds like to believe otherwise. He just wants us to trust Him. And in most cases, He really just wants us to take things easy, and let go. Maybe all we really need is to let go.