لئن شكرتم لازيدنكم

"If you are grateful [to Me], I shall most certainly give you more."

Whenever I came across this Ayah (verse), I used to think it majorly implied that if you’re grateful, God will bless you with even more – beyond what you already have. This week though, I’ve been introduced to a new side of it as I started realizing it could have a slightly different interpretation: if you’re grateful, you’ll be blessed with “the ability” to spot more of those blessings as you go about your normal day-to-day life. Blessings that have probably been there all along, and yet might have gone unnoticed. I feel it every time I start my gratitude list; it keeps growing longer. Even though nothing of significance really happens from one day to the next, I’m still constantly able to jot down more of what I’m so grateful for, and it just hit me how those sort of things tend to double over time.

When I first started writing (not just for gratitude, but in general) I was always worried I’d eventually run out of things to write about. This thought always haunted me, and made me feel heavy whenever I attempted to start a new piece, because it certainly meant I’m one step closer to my last. And yet, I now realize how the more I write, the more my ideas flow and the more I start finding inspiration in the littlest things that always ‘seemed’ ordinary.

That’s the beauty of how those things work. Gratitude. Faith. Inspiration. Creativity. Connection. Imagination. Fulfillment. Growth. We have them, or the potential for them, all inside. They can endlessly multiply, once we start noticing more of them and allowing ourselves the chance to screw up more. For it’s in that screwing up, that we’re always blessed with more than we could’ve guessed is already out there.

الحمد لله حمدا كثيرا طيبا مباركا فيه ملء السماوات والأرض وما بينهما وملء ما شئت من شئ بعد. ❤️