كن فيكون

Sometimes certain things don’t happen right when our hearts long for them, just because He knows that the joy and contentment they’d bring along when they later come to life – after all the unease, the flow of tears, the pep talk, and the excruciating pain, would be indescribable in comparison to what we believe we would’ve initially felt.

Because sometimes it has to get too dark, the silence has to turn extremely loud, and it can physically hurt to turn those prayers into actual comprehensible words that hardly sound attainable as we speak them out. Right until He so gently blesses us with His كن فيكون, after which something about all the misery and the heartbreak so softly turns into immense gratitude our insides might have never even experienced before.

It’s just hard to imagine a similar possibility at the time, but it’s in the making. Always.