قال قد أوتيت سؤلك يا موسى

قَالَ قَدْ أُوتِيتَ سُؤْلَكَ يَا مُوسَىٰ (سورة طه: 36)

(Allah) said, you have been granted your request, O Moses. (Surah Taha: 36)

One of the most heartwarming verses of the Qur’an.

An answer to Musa’s prayer, when he asked for relief, ease and loosening his speech impediment, so that he’d be able to deliver Allah’s message to the Pharaoh. And for his brother to come along with him to help.

The existence of Musa, with all the ways through which Allah has shown His love for him through His book, has always been a source of relief for me. It confirms just how natural it is for even a prophet to feel anxious and ask for help. Help with his communication barrier. Help in the form of his brother’s company. Help with the message he was meant to deliver. He makes it feel very okay to admit that “we’re scared” sometimes, and be open about our fears. Especially with God validating it all. He never asked Musa to “man up” and just go do it on his own. He didn’t start shaming him. He didn’t take away the entire task from him because “he didn’t seem like he was up to it.” He simply offered His help and guidance. Exactly the way Musa needed. So beautifully. And so Him.

A couple of verses after, it gets even more heartwarming.

When Musa and his brother expressed their fear again, Allah so lovingly assured them He’s going to be there; listening and watching, by their side. He even started scripting out the exact words they were supposed to say, for He knew the experience was anxiety-provoking enough, that just having to think about what to say would’ve added a lot more pressure. He was there for them, the whole time. Just like a loving parent takes their kid by the hand to help with their very first steps, assuring him/her they’d always be there in case they fall. Gently pushing them to try again. And simply being there.

It’s very comforting to remember this, because no matter how far we go in life, no matter how many people surround us, and no matter how simple the things we go through might seem from the outside, we‘ll always need Him to be there.

To guide us through. To give us strength. To remain by our side, listening and watching. Oh how scary would it be to have to go through this life not knowing someone’s up there taking care of every little detail. Alhamdulillah. A million times.