شفاء لما في الصدور

His words.
They heal.
Big time.

It warms my heart how I could be reading the very same verses, at slightly different phases, and still have them touch me in ways I’d never even expect.

It deeply disturbs every piece of me though, how I still keep running around for help in all the wrong places, with every new struggle – forgetting that the cure for everything I’d ever experience is right before me.

Forgetting that no one other than my own Creator, would know what I need to hear. Exactly how I’ll need to hear it.

Yet no matter how much I forget, His words always prove to be patient. They wait around until I find my way back. And it feels just like the old days, with nothing changed. Only that they have the ability to warmly pour over even more blessings. Every single time.

Restoring things back to right before I allowed this world to get between us.