سأنبئك بتأويل ما لم تستطع عليه صبرا

2020 was a year full of answers for me. Answers for most of what confused my heart, and for the silence that I was never able to make sense of up until I could see those answers so clearly.

I could see why things had to happen in certain ways, for others to very magically unfold right after, and it always blew my mind. The only downside of it all though, was that I unconsciously walked into 2021 thinking the universe would always owe me answers going forward the same way. I expected I’ll constantly be getting the explanations I need for all that I didn’t understand.

This verse has been my very own reminder over the year. The whole interaction between Musa and Al-Khidr always gets me thinking, but this part of the verse in particular reminds me that things aren’t supposed to go this way. After a whole lot of questioning from Musa’s side, Al-Khidr finally decides to respond to his concerns when in fact, he really didn’t have to. Every single thing that happened on their journey did have a very valid reason already – whether Musa got to know about it or not. His knowledge doesn’t change anything about that validity, and yet Al-Khidr still decides to offer an explanation so he could set Musa’s heart to rest.

Every time I come across this, I’m reminded that getting answers is very much a privilege, and not something I’m *entitled* to every single day. God never has to show me the very logical reasoning for every thing He plans. It doesn’t mean that there isn’t one, but sometimes I don’t have to know about it. Also for a reason that only He knows. If He thinks it would benefit me to know, He’d make sure to reveal it all, regardless of whether I ask or don’t.

There’s so much about this world that truly doesn’t make sense to our human minds, yet constantly demanding an answer for every thing would only really weigh us down even more.

I hope I always remember this as I walk into 2022, and I pray that even if I forget, He would always remind me through His Words. ❤️