“ده انتي أوي!”

I love it when I’m in the middle of telling someone about something I’ve come across that I feel so strong about, and their first response is “!ده انتي أوي” or “this is so you!” Even better, when someone randomly sends me a piece they’ve read or a meme they’ve come across, and explains how much it reminded them of me. Especially when it turns out to be something “so me” indeed! It makes me smile, every single time.

Because it’s usually not just about the story I’m telling or the message they’re sharing, it’s more about the realization that this person knows me so well, that they can clearly tell when they see a piece of me in whatever’s happening around. And not in an outer-shell sense, but rather those things that they would’ve hardly known about me if they hadn’t really taken the time to look inside. Somehow, something about this sentence makes me feel like who I am makes some sense. Somewhere outside my own head.