Duaa works in so many beautiful ways. You can pray for money, and out of nowhere, get exactly that. But then you can also pray for money, and instead get saved from a disease that would have cost you a fortune to overcome - while you know nothing about it. You can pray for money, and instead come across someone who entirely changes your perspective about the actual significance of money in life - while you were already so sure it’s all you wanted. You can pray for money, and instead get the chance to learn something about yourself in your pursuit of that - while you might have been convinced you already know all that is to learn about who you are.

Point is, there’s not a single prayer that ever goes unheard. He hears every single silent wish inside. Often times, He only wants you to put it into actual words. Acknowledge that you need it. Be very specific about its details if you want. Then let it go, knowing full well He will make something out of it that will eventually work in your favor. In the most heartwarming of ways. You might not know anything about it in this world, but it happens everywhere, all the time.

Nothing goes unheard. Please always remember that.

June 18, 2020