خطوات الشيطان

This might sound weird, but if we really take a moment to think about it, there is something for us to actually LEARN from Satan.

Particularly how his evil intentions and acts are continuously referred to as “steps”. Because when he wants to take someone off a certain path, he never does it right away.

Think about any spiritual commitment you’ve been struggling to maintain over the years. Somewhere along the way, something convinces you to let go of it, gradually… step by step.

You finish Ramadan with a very strong commitment to praying on time for instance, along with all the Sunnahs, it starts feeling effortless, and you genuinely enjoy the process. But then one day you accidentally miss one prayer, and he manages to convince you it wouldn’t matter if you miss two. He’ll hardly ever tell you not to pray. But he’ll know how to distract you, until you realize you only have 5 minutes before the next prayer, and so you have no option but to let go of the Sunnah again. And it’s in those tiny details that you might eventually find yourself missing all 5 prayers one day, and not even feeling a thing about it.

Will it happen the next day after Ramadan? Nope. Will it happen in a month? Maybe. What’s for sure is, you’ll be walking into the next Ramadan, needing to start all over again.

Because he has mastered the art of doing it in steps… tiny baby steps, that you don’t even realize are taking place.

And honestly, I think his strategies are brilliant!

I wish I had this kind of persistence. Because, do you ever find Satan giving up on leading you astray? No matter how much your heart gets attached to doing the right thing? He never stops trying. He never gives up on restarting the steps again every time he gets stuck. He never gives up on any of his… idk “clients?” And in all seriousness, I wish I can learn!! I wish I can internalize the importance of steps. Because even when it comes to the evil beings of this world, it’s the only way that actually WORKS.