
For the longest time, I did not find it in me to say anything like “Allah loves me” out loud –not even to myself. For I was convinced I always needed to do something to “earn” it. The more acts of worship I was able to perform, the more I’d unconsciously think I’m on my way to “deserving” it. Not realizing that His love was all around already, and that my ability to do those acts of worship, is out of His own love and generosity and not anything that has to do with me.

The more I take myself out of the equation and instead learn about Him, the more I’m able to feel His love inside and find it easier to turn back to Him when I (so humanly) slip. And the more I feel His love, the more I’m able to challenge my beliefs on not being enough or not being worthy. فاللهم يارب يا ودود ارزقنا حبك وحب من أحبك وحب كل عمل يقربنا إلى حبك. ❤️