اللهم اربط على قلوبهم

"O Allah, we ask You to keep their hearts tied together."

Whenever I feel extremely helpless towards a loved one’s pain and I know I have nothing tangible to offer, this is one of the prayers I find myself coming back to. Praying for their faith to strengthen their heart enough so they’d be able to survive through with complete surrender to God, and utmost trust in Him. Because He knows best, always. It’s beautiful to be able to pray for something like this, and there’s even more beauty in the word choice itself; keeping the heart “tied” together. Wow.

Pain is already something I struggle to give an accurate material description for, but when I think of deep, intense suffering on the inside, I often picture a really powerful (idk) body(?) colliding right into a heart of glass, shattering it into a million pieces that spread all over everything in there, and even outside. Breaking it open stings so bad, and all little pieces that linger around hurt even worse. Because that’s glass. It’s so fragile, yet every time you pick up a piece to try to maybe put them back together, your fingers start bleeding upon the very first touch. And you no longer know how to make it go away, because the shattered pieces tend to hurt with your every move, while attempting to get rid of any of them already wounds.

So for Him to literally keep the heart “tied” together and save us having to go through that – as we continue to believe in Him, sounds like such a generous remedy. Protecting the heart from potential breaks, that would rigorously kick through if He only lets go. May He never let go. May His Words gently tie together and soothe our every troubling thought. And may He always, always, always help us find our way around those little pieces, when we happen to slip along the road. ❤️