الحمد لله


This phrase has lately been a literal source of warmth to my heart, and I’m never able to explain it.


It’s this amazing mixture of love, gratitude, and praise, that instantly makes everything better by just saying it.


It’s addictive. I say it once, and my tongue continues involuntarily repeating it.


For every person that crosses my way and changes something about how I think of it. For every little thing He carefully plans accordingly, and for every little blessing He never decides to take away despite how much I forget to thank Him for it.


Alhamdulillah for the existence of a phrase that can contain all those feelings I can’t put in words, and alhamdulillah a million times for the blessing of remembering to say it.

Alhamdulillah that God is God.

Alhamdulillah that He’s taking care of us.

Alhamdulillah that He knows all that we think is unheard.

Then sends us the answer exactly when we’re ready for it.

March 18, 2020