Everyone can write!

Join our Free Sessions + Sign up for FREE Daily Gratitude Journal Prompts and see for yourself. ✍️

Basma is an Expressive Writing Specialist, and an avid believer in the power of pen and paper to heal, grow and connect. She has helped many individuals across the Arab World express themselves through journaling, as well as voice their thoughts around others in safe spaces. And she can certainly help you, too!

Learn more about Basma's Qualifications here.


You can journal to: vent, express yourself, document life events, understand your inner world better, work through heavy emotions or traumas, reduce stress, cultivate mindfulness, set & achieve goals, boost productivity, unleash creativity, AND MORE!

"I like that we got to practice every technique during our sessions, I didn't know it'd turn out to be this enjoyable. I also got to connect with everyone in my group, it was nice to hear their different views. It's a wonderful experience and I encourage everyone to try it, even if they aren't into writing."

"This experience cracked open my heart for me; it took me on so many journeys into myself and gave me a whole box full of tools to help me navigate my own exploration. Basma is an incredible teacher; she knows her stuff, her heart is in this work as she teaches and you can see her passion."

"I've struggled with writer's block for a long time, but Basma's workshop changed my life and helped me get back to writing. Basma is ambitious, cheerful, smart, her explanation is smooth & clear. I recommend her workshop to anyone who wants to strengthen their writing skills."
